A big well done and thanks to all of the players who made it across to this years STS event in Stirling. From the initial fixture draw, it was always going to be a bit of a tough day, but we can be proud about how we’ve done this year. The little bit of practice really did pay off, with some preplanned moves and subbing working really well for us.

After each of the games, the opposition picked their MVP so it was great recognition for a job well done. Well done to Ruth B who was attending her first away trip with us, and we think she might even come back again! We might need to work on the nick name though as it seemed to change and evolve as the day went on. Let’s consider that a work in progress.
Special mention to Rolf who managed to fall over the grass, the sand, and even the air at one point….. you certainly did put in a great shift during the day.
We should also mention our travelling fan club of Steven and Eva who stood by and watched us. Steven took a few (400?) photos and you can check them out online on facebook…. Hopefully this link should take you straight to them… pop corn at the ready!
We also need to call out our player referees who helped out this year, so thanks to you all. I am not sure though if Matty made too many friend in the top of the table clash that he looked after.
Well that’s enough from me…. leave your comments below!
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