A Touch of Excellence

Blackadders make the cup final!

On Saturday 8th October, Blackadders attended the North East Raiders Development  Tournament held at Stockton Rugby Club.

 Team moral and positivity was high throughout the day and the squad nailed Adders on three by the cup final! It was a long day which started with three group games followed by a three hour break before going into the semi finals. The team kept themselves entertained including a game of frisbee where Rolf and Carl showed of their skills while the rest warmed up chasing the frisbee. The fun continued with a game of Fake Out, where the majority lost a few limbs for not clapping in time before catching the ball. This dummy pass practice work was great preparation for the next games, where it helped gain a lot of ground. Burpees also featured.

BA vs Saxon Crusaders (9 -0)

First up was Catterick Crusaders. It was a strong performance with some creative movement off the ball and beautiful tries scored.

BA vs Yorkshire Thorns (2 – 8)

Blackadders won the tap off and attacked well but the breakaway pace of Thorns was too much.

BA vs Scarborough (6 – 5)

With no break Blackadders were back on the pitch against Scarborough. The team concentration was low in the first half but following a team chat were back on it defending strong and remembering what worked well for the first two games.

Semi Finals: BA vs Percy Park Pirates (6 – 4)

After three hours Blackadders were keen to get the game under way. They kept their game plan and maintained good chat throughout the game with team moral high. Well done guys!

This was the best performance of the day where everything practiced in training was being shown off on the pitch with some beautiful diving tries scored. A fantastic performance by all.

Cup Final: BA vs Yorkshire Thorns (2 – 6)

Already meeting Thorns earlier in the day, Blackadders knew what they needed to do against a very dangerous, well drilled and pacey team. Both teams had a couple niggles but did not let this affect the flow of the game. Highlight of the game was a well set up move finished with Cat Palgrave diving try in the corner. Blackadders got over the line on three more occasions  due to defense not going forward. These resulted in penalties being awarded on the 7 metre but Adders were unable to break the defence. 

Well played by everyone, the team work, discipline and support was on point.


Captain’s Player: Carl Cockburn . Top try scorer of the day and worked in attack and defence.

Player’s Player: Cat Palgrave – drived well in attack, scoring some great tries finishing the day with a lovely team try against Thorns.

All in all a successful competition with lots of positives and a few things to work on before the next one.  Thank you and well done to everyone who played. It was a fun day out where everyone worked hard and supported each other, they really did show what team work was about and maintaining a positive attitude and enjoying themselves throughout the day.


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