Blackadders Touch Mudder

On the 29th of July we woke up early, earlier than most except Lesley, to participate in our annual Blackadders fitness challenge. We had been preparing for the better part of six months. Back in Decemeber 2022 someone foolishly suggested we do a Tough Mudder, and the rest of us, believing it to be so far in the future it would never happen, even more foolishly agreed. Training saw us battling mud and cold, and drawing many quizzical stares in Blyth while we ran in row carrying a massive boat rope.

So when the time came we were ready to take on Tough Mudder Yorkshire. We lost some Blackadders along the way to injury but we were joined by honorary Adders for the day, Lucy and Tom.

We ran, and crawled, over 15kms (plus a bonus 1km for fun) of Yorkshire hills and through 33 obstacles.

Athena miraculously managed not to freeze to death in the numerous water obstacles. Rolf conquered the Mudderhorn despite significant misgivings. Lucy carried Tom up a hill on her back, and Hollie impressed with with her hanging skills. Ben kept us all going quick maths and countdowns, and our indomitable captain Lesley kept us running even when we didn’t want to. The prize for muddiest went to Matty, who tumbled gracefully from a very muddy hill into an even muddier ditch.

Overall it was a great day – we have the headbands and bruises to prove it!

Plans are already being hatched for next year’s challenge, this time with votes against options that include light electrocution.

If you think this sounds like fun, social touch rugby on Thursday at Whitley Bay Rugby Club is even more fun and you can sign up here.


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