Category: Social Touch

  • New year, new sport?

    New year, new sport?

    Whatever your fitness level we’ve got you covered. Everyone has to start their fitness journey somewhere, come along to one of our sessions in a supportive environment where you’ll make good friends with like minded people. Walking touch is a game for all ages, bring the kids and have some family fun playing games, whilst…

  • EXIT Newcastle

    EXIT Newcastle

    In mid-December some of the team took part in an escape room at EXIT Newcastle. The team managed to successfully escape with minimal arguments and little bad language used surprisingly. Some were surprised at the lack of competition… They did It in 35:59 which got them number 5 on the leaderboard! Well done team.

  • Foodbank donations

    Foodbank donations

    Just before Christmas, Blackadders and Rockcliff social touch had a collection for The BAY Foodbank. Collecting as much as we could for their advent calendar. It turns out everyone is amazing and donated an incredible amount, two car boots worth and some in the back seat! We were able to drop this off to The…

  • Blackadders at Magic Weekend

    On Sunday 4th June, 5 of our Blackadders members made the short trip to St James Park to take part in North East Raiders 2 showcase matches during half time of the final game of Rugby League’s Magic Weekend alongside various other keen players from various clubs. Some of the team took in some of…

  • England Touch at Rockcliff Training

    On Thursday 19th January 2023, Chris Simon and Sammie Phillips, representatives from England Touch were in the region and decided to call by to see what Rockcliff social touch was all about.  Sammie ran the warm up and even got the opportunity to join in with the session. They definitely got the experience of the…

  • Friendly to start the bank holiday

    Today saw the return leg of a set of friendlies in Rockcliff, with Catterick and Stockton making the trip up north. We started the weekend with beautiful sunshine and clear skies, I’m not sure many believed us when we said this was standard on the North East coast… I think they might have been before.…