Getting Ready To Play

We all want to get back to playing, but we need to do it safely…

Touch in the England is governed by England touch who have set up a framework for the return to playing.

As we can we see we are now at Stage 2 – this allows for small group training, but in honesty that means very small group fitness training and they should be no contact.

For us on a Thursday, that’s really Stage 3 Play and that’s where we want to be. For this to happen, England touch need to tell us its ok to play and WBR need to allow us to play, and there must be sufficient space for us to play.

Indeed, other changes we are considering:

  • We will need to keep a register of who plays with contact details – this will help contact tracing if some one catches Covid
  • Hands will need to be washed at the start and end of games, and people should sanitise frequently – to minimise transmission
  • Equipment – will be cleaned and sanitised after each use – to minimise transmission
  • There will be no sharing of water/drinks/sanitiser – each player should bring there own. – to minimise transmission

Please rest assure, we are working hard to recommence our Thursday sessions, but we must ensure we can all return safely.

Questions or comments? email us or reach out via Facebook, Messenger or Whatsapp.




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