A walk around North Tyneside

Where else would you want to be on your first wedding anniversary than with your touch rugby family rather than your loving husband !!

That’s exactly where Cat, one of the founder members of Blackadders touch rugby team chose to spend the first 6 hours of her Saturday before being swept away later for a lovely meal with Steven. 

Todays walk began just short of Blyth, and with the weather slightly overcast the layers were needed. The team of 8 set off up Newsham Road before turning left into a beautiful avenue of trees with scenic views to both sides. 

With banter levels high due to the return of fat winger Claire Davies and the loss of Stu, stories were aplenty and the revelation that Athena was in fact Jesus shocked us all…

Heading on we had approximately 1 mile of pavements down a second avenue through Seaton Delaval to join back up with the wagon way. After a little wander, again through some stunning scenery and past some highly strung riders and their horses it was time for the all important first sock change of the day. 

Rookie Simon scoffing at the notion and clearly not realising we were absolute pros by now. 

Onwards to Holywell and a little meander through the rape seed fields, up the only hill on todays map, past the Cat Flap cattery and in to Earsdon village. Well more accurately into the park, where some of the ladies showed off their skills on the monkey bars whilst the boys showed off their ability to sit on rocks – play to your strengths guys.   

A few late comers to the sock change party Claire and Rolf took advantage of the breather and were relieved to get some fresh air between their toes. 

An intrigued father of two enquired about our walk – I explained about the fundraising and he was impressed with the distance planned for June. 

Lesley, chomping at the bit as the prospect of An ice cream was now becoming a reality, hurried us all back into line and on track.

Heading down towards monkseaton the sun was gloriously beating down and hooking a left, then right through the underpass we joined back up to the wagon way behind the Churchill sports fields and on to the downhill towards Di Meo’s  for a well earned ice cream. 

Once refuelled we were on our way again heading across the road with the Spanish City in the backdrop, last there to celebrate Cat and Stevens wedding !! 

It was a bit more blustery on the coast and those that had braved removing a layer at the ice cream parlour were soon wrapping up once more. A second sock change was instigated at the Lighthouse and Sarah took no hesitation in dragging Mike down to the bench for a romantic picnic- Athena in tow to supervise. 

Whilst Mel stretched some more and Simon took a nap the hardcore foursome of Ben, Lesley, Cat and Claire carried on to see the seals and the Lighthouse. It did not disappoint!! 

Walking back up to retrieve the lunchers we headed along the coast towards Seaton Sluice, and past Mr Marshall’s boat we were now on the home stretch. We followed the yellow brick road through the dunes, with the banter still high, laughing could be heard even from my 20 metre lead. 

As we arrived at the car Cat seemed to be off for a second loop but I was reliably informed she was just rounding the route up ! 

All in all a great, mostly flat walk starting early allowing people to spend Saturday afternoon doing what they wanted… well most ! 

Next walk is 21st May, and this will be organised by our very own Dr Pete. Hope everyone’s feet and legs are not too sore. 

Thanks for great company and trusting my route !


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