Category: maggies


    Blackadders Touch Rugby are a long established touch team based at Rockcliff Rugby Club. To help celebrate their 15th anniversary as a team they hosted an eight team charity competition on the 9th July, with all profits raised going to the Maggie’s Centre at the Freeman Hospital ( Touch rugby is a mixed non contact…

  • Maggie’s Fundraising Total

    Last year as a team we decided to raise funds for the Maggie’s Newcastle at the Freeman hospital, and we set off with the target to raise £5k, through a wide range of activities from bake sales, raffles to bonus balls and 100km sponsored walk, wearing our custom designed charity vests. To help draw the…

  • Blackadders 15th Anniversary Celebration – Maggie’s Fun Day

    On Saturday 9th July 2022 Blackadders Touch Rugby celebrated their 15th anniversary since the team was first established way back in 2007! And what better way to celebrate than host a touch charity competition in support of Maggie’s a local cancer charity based at the Freeman Hospital. The eight teams were split into two even…

  • Bamburgh to Tynemouth – Day 3

    The final day was here, we started the same as the day before, fairly early but thing too crazy. We were sadly another 2 down with injuries from the day before, hopefully they will be back to normal soon. We went back to the finishing point from the day before, we back tracked a bit…

  • Bamburgh to Tynemouth – Day 2

    After a full day of walking, we all woke to a fabulous cooked breakfast at the hotel. Sadly one of the members had to stop walking due to an injury. So sadly we have to move on one person down, but we hope to have them back to training soon. We started just after 9,…

  • Bamburgh to Tynemouth – Day 1

    So it began, day one of the walk for Maggies. We started at 0800, leaving our respective homes at least an hour before that. We started at the foot of Bamburgh castle and started the walk south. Full of energy and excitement for the weekend to come. We snaked our way down the coast, making…