Bamburgh to Tynemouth – Day 1

So it began, day one of the walk for Maggies.

We started at 0800, leaving our respective homes at least an hour before that. We started at the foot of Bamburgh castle and started the walk south. Full of energy and excitement for the weekend to come.

We snaked our way down the coast, making sure to take in the stunning scenery that surrounds us.

Making sure to stop every couple of hours to make sure we were properly fuelled up, socks were changed and plasters / tape was around. We went through till 1230 for lunch where we found a nice little stop just in the village of Craster.

After lunch we started and continued on, pace was good at 3mph the whole way through and the chat was strong but at times questionable. With multiple topics being raised, some of which will hopefully never be raised again.

Another few stops along the way for some essential sock changes, getting more water aboard and food in. There were a lot of dune along the end of the route, making the last part a bit of a struggle at times.

With the flag in sight, we got into our first overnight stay of the weekend about 1830, staying at the Warkworth house hotel; the hotel and all the staff were lovely.

So first day done, 25.8 miles smashed.


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