Bamburgh to Tynemouth – Day 2

After a full day of walking, we all woke to a fabulous cooked breakfast at the hotel. Sadly one of the members had to stop walking due to an injury. So sadly we have to move on one person down, but we hope to have them back to training soon.

We started just after 9, knowing we had less of a distance and getting some much needed rest, we started by heading to Warkworth castle and heading down the coast. Heading through to Amble and High Hauxley until we hit the stunning Druridge Bay.

The lunch stop was at the village of Cresswell, just outside the cafe. We found a bench where our lunch was bought to us by our wonderful support team. We queued for some coffee and then started off again. Going through Lynemouth and then onto Woodhorn. There was the odd detour from the original route, but that’s only extra steps right?? Everyone loves the extra steps.

For the miles we decided to go past our stop for the evening and went onto Cambois to make the final day a bit shorter. We got there in good time and a good pace of 3mph. where we were met by our support team with pain killers and beer / cider. Then it was into the cars and onto the hotel for some food and sleep.

That’s 20.6 miles complete, 46.4 in total. Only 15.6 to hit the magic 100Km.


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