Category: Tag

  • Events Calendar

    As part of getting organised we’ve published a calendar of events for the touch events we already know about. We will be using the Heja App to check peoples availability for this season. You can find the latest version on this link: CLICK ME!

  • Tag, I’ve got your belt, I mean Tag… how hard can it be?

    So if you are a regular visitor to our site you will know we’ve just had a Tag tournament, so that was something new and different! We certainly stepped out of our comfort zone tackling a new game which whilst on the surface feels similar to touch, there are many, many, many differences….. In traditional…

  • Social Touch & Tag…..

    So some of you might know that we are going to try out Tag at the Yorkshire tag festival in August. This means a little bit of training from Craig, but we might need a few volunteers to help out and play on a Thursday. This won’t eat into touch time, its a case of…