Blackadders 15th Anniversary Celebration – Maggie’s Fun Day

On Saturday 9th July 2022 Blackadders Touch Rugby celebrated their 15th anniversary since the team was first established way back in 2007! And what better way to celebrate than host a touch charity competition in support of Maggie’s a local cancer charity based at the Freeman Hospital. The eight teams were split into two even groups, with the top two from each group going into the playoffs for the cup and the remaining teams battling it out for the plate.

Pool A

Big Trunks
Catterick Touch
Rock Alnwick Barbarians
Stockton Steelers

First up was Pool A which saw Big Trunks take on the mixed barbarians team of Rock Alnwick on pitch one, on pitch 2 was Catterick vs Stockton. After a very close game the barbarians managed to sneak a 2-1 win which put them in a good position for the rest of the day. The other game was a comfortable win by Stockton, 5-0 with the two early leaders of the group not due to face each other until the final group game of the morning.

Game 2 in Pool A would see Big Trunks try and improve on their opening performance when they took on the well drilled and experienced team of Stockton. Big Trunks, a work team made up of staff from Mommoet played well picking up the rules from the first game but the experience of Stockton proved a step too far with them winning the game 3-0. The barbarians went head to head with Catterick Touch. With some great hands and fast paced runners they dominated the game not letting Cattterick get a chance. Catterick put in a hardy performance with only 6 players turning up following injuries and sickness. The end result was 10-0 to Rock Alnwick.

The final group games for Pool A saw the undefeated Stockton and Barbarians battle it out for top of the table. The barbarians finished triumphant taking the win 3-0 and topping the group with Stockton a close second. Big trunks finding their feet in the competition put on a very impressive display against Catterick Touch securing third place with a 5-0.

Pool B

Blackadders Touch
A Touch of Sunderland
Tynedale Temptations

First up from Pool B we had the returning champions from last years O2 Touch Festival A Touch of Sunderland take on Newcastle Ravens, Sunderland edged the game with a 2-1 victory. On pitch 2 a very young and inexperienced Tynedale side took on the hosts Blackadders. Blackadders came out the blocks scoring two quick fire try’s, Tynedale hit back with a try of their own before Blackadders scored 3 more, the game finished 5-1 to Blackadders but Tynedale showed a lot of promise for the day ahead.

The second game saw Blackadders vs Ravens on pitch one, Raven out the blocks got on the scoreboard first. Blackadders now finding their stride won the game 8-1 topping the group going in to the final game, while Sunderland took on Tynedale. This was very close game, with both teams being behind the spirit of the day and enjoying a game of touch rugby. Sunderland won 3-2.

The final games in Pool B saw Sunderland vs Blackadders to see who would finish the morning as Pool winners. Both teams fought it out in a high scoring game. A great game to finish the morning with Blackadders finishing on top 6-4. Tynedale vs Ravens would decide the final two spots in group B, Tyndale now finding their feet put on an impressive display from their young team scoring 7 try’s in the final group game to win the tie 7-1.

Lunchtime Entertainment

Blackadders did what they know best and set an hour aside for a lunchbreak and refreshments but most importantly some FUN!!! Each team had two volunteers who would take part in the mini Sports Day, consisting of a space hopper and sack race followed by hula hoop challenge and an all out team sprint. Thank you to everyone who got on board with this, it was truly entertaining (for us) and hopefully you too. Hope everyone still have their certificate.

Next up the knockout stages

Plate Semi Finals and Finals

Big Trunks vs Ravens

Tynedale vs Catterick

After two very close games Big Trunks and Tynedale prevailed to set up the plate final.

Tynedale and Big trunks went head to head to battled it out for the Plate, Tynedale’s young team had started to come of age like a fine wine and put on a very mature performance against a Big Trunks team playing in their first tournament. Tynedale scored the important try with seconds to spare, however Big Trunks were not giving up without a fight and equalised in the last play of the game, meaning only one thing… a drop off. Both teams had to drop two players leaving 2:2 male female ratio. After 1:54 of extra time the young Tynedale Temptations scored a beautiful try in the corner, all they had to do now was defend the last play and the silverware was theirs. Big Trunks were unware of how long was left on the timer and did a quick tap but Tynedale were ready and waiting, the touch was made and Tynedale Temptations were victorious.

Cup Semi Final and Finals

Barbarians vs Sunderland

Blackadders vs Stockton

Blackadders took the win at 4-1 against Stockton while the other semi final finished 3-3 resulting in a drop off. Sunderland who only had two female players meant they got no rest and were back on for the 2 minute drop off. Rock Alnwick Barbarians managed to spot a gap and scored the all important try to win the semi 4-3, ending Sunderland’s hope as back to back champions.

The final game of the day was Blackadders vs Rock Alnwick Barbarians, the game started with each team fighting to break the defensive and try to create an opening for the first try of the game. The well drilled and experienced side of Blackadders took the lead finishing 6-0 to Blackadders. Well done to Carl Cockburn who received the Captain’s Player award for running none stop throughout the day and thank you to Matt Slater for signing up and pulling on his Maggie’s top to play as Blackadders.

With over 20 games of touch played throughout the day and 137 tries scored, what an awesome day of touch it was! End to end entertainment with not one but two drop offs. We have already been asked when the competition is next year.

We are adding up all the fundraising from over the year and will reveal the grand total soon!!


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