Rockcliff Touch Rugby Showcase

So, you can’t play rugby union anymore? Don’t worry we’ve got you! At Blackadders/Rockliff Touch we run the range from seasoned, national grade players to totally new members who have never picked up a ball – there’s something for everyone!

But there will inevitably come a time when you can no longer sprint, no longer step someone, or take flight up the wing without needing medical attention, a large supply of deep heat, and a lie down. You might think – surely it’s time to retire? Hell, no! For you, there is Walking Touch – a sport currently growing in popularity and there is a team right on your doorstep running every Friday night at Rockcliff Rugby Club.

Recently we joined forces to showcase touch rugby in all its glory and we were in for a pleasant surprise. Not only was it competitive, but fast, furious and somewhat contentious at times. That love of the game still evident and very much alive!

After a brief introduction to the walking touch rules, it was gloves off and the experienced players, both from Rockcliff and our lovely local teammates from the Ravens (always up for some competitive fun) stood in awe as people dashed past us in a perfected walk, (mince), darting for the line.

The revelation of it needing to be two-handed touches further thwarted those of us who are used to getting away with a one fingered tickle!
There were opportunities for feedback and advice from the walking Touch stalwarts throughout the game. Being able to kick on the fifth touch was our saving grace, the only way we were going to get out of our own half after pinned down with the oppositions’ excellent defence skills!

After a baptism of fire, it was time to turn the tables and an opportunity for those who wanted to play touch ‘our way’.

The crossover for many of the walkers was seamless with many of the players coming into their own. Outstanding pace and footwork from the youth and solid game knowledge and foresight from the more seasoned players.

All in all a great night, spent walking, running and most importantly enjoying and laughing in the wind. I for one found myself with a new appreciation for the sport. A fabulous way to keep everyone interested, engaged, and involved. More importantly off the bench, or in the bar, a win for all.

The evening was finished off with a well earned sit down, pint and enjoyable social opportunity to watch the opening game of the Six Nations tournament, not to mention the delicious food provided by the club as usual.

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